From LOUNGE to PARTY, THE PERFECT music for EVERY occasion:
Singer / Keyboarder - Piano Entertainer / DJ / Moderator Paul Chapman is a born entertainer and a ass in creating atmosphere. With his friendly, open radiaton and extremely versatile repertoire, he knows to make a memorable event from every opportunity.
The versatile repertoire of this entertainer consists ao lounge and dinner music, current chart-hits, swinging evergreens, latino, ballads, rock 'n' roll, country, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, soul, disco, Dutch-, German- and Limburg-language hits.
Because of his extensive repertoire and energetic way of playing Paul is a welcome act on the most diverse occasions. You will meet Paul, ao as entrance act or evening programm entertainment at company parties, weddings, dances, carnivals, theme parties, anniversaries, etc. or as background musician during a dinner or reception as well as musical accompaniment during a wedding ceremony in the church or at the Town Hall.
- Paul as ONE MAN BAND - Piano Entertainer. In the good old-fashioned way with synthesizer or in combination with his red wing he creats an interactive Crazy Piano like act where anything is possible ... Lounge / Disco / Dance / Party / Evergreens etc etc etc, you name it, Paul plays it.
- Paul and Lounge & Party DJ instaed of live music. Groovy easy listening and lounge music at a volume where guests can converse at a normal level. Ideal for your reception, dinner, for presentation purposes or an exuberant, fantastic party!.
Advantage : A DJ has ( wherever there is internet acces ) unlimited repertoire choise!
Disadvantage : A DJ is more static than Live music!
It is also very suitable for small groups and occasions!
- Live Acts made up of spectacular shows tailored to your wishes. The shows will take place preferably with and among the audience, creating the live acts in collaboration with the DJ but quite take up little space and your guests even in small sites, thanks to its dynamic, interactive performance and compelling live music, anyway feeling experience when there was a great band there!
- The DJ is in conjunction with the live acts the perfect product for your event. With our experience we play smoothly on the needs of your guests and guarantee the success of every event no matter: Staff Party / Reception / Wedding / Dinner night / Marquee / Oktoberfest, etc. etc. etc.
All this can be performed on stage as well as between your audience !
If you want more information or are you interested in a booking, please feel free to contact me : T +31,622 95 97 16 or mail to :